Any regular readers of this blog (yes, all 3 of you!) know that I'm concerned with the issue of global warming. This has become a rather big issue here in Federal Way (as well as blown up nationally) due to a recent school board decision to become the first district in the nation to restrict the use of the Al Gore documentary, An Inconvenient Truth. The decision followed complaints from a small number of parents, and one in particular, whose daughter along with my daughter, were slated to see the movie this Friday in their science class.
The man who initiated the complaints cited several criticisms of the movie, most of them were religious in nature, and nowhere near scientific. However, the board made their decision based on their policy of representing opposite viewpoints on "controversial" issues. Following the decision, the movie can only be used in Federal Way classrooms if an opposing, credible viewpoint is also presented.
There's a lot here to chew on, but I'm going to focus on the issue that I think is most important: science. This is a pretty important issue for school boards, because one of the things that schools are supposed to be teaching our children is science.
A number of the school board members referred to the global warming theory as just a theory. Ominously, the board president referred to evolution as "only a theory."
There's a profound misunderstanding of the difference between a theory and a scientific theory. A theory in everyday discussion is indeed, "only a theory." For instance, I have a theory that the Seahawks are going to Chicago and are going to get munched by the Bears. (Hey, relax. It's only a theory. And don't worry one of our board members has expressed his opposing and I daresay credible theory, that the real Rex Grossman will show up and throw interceptions like [insert], and the Hawks will win)
I also have a theory that seat cushions are made out of baby seal skin, but that's beside the point!
A scientific theory is more than guys throwing out ideas on sports, and office furniture.
A scientific theory is the current established truth, derived by repeatable experiments that test the validity of the theory. We all accept the theory of gravity (No, I'm not dignifying you believers of Intelligent Falling). But it is just a scientific theory. That is, not only can we see the proof in front of our noses everyday, but it's been established by many, many scientific tests, many of which are easily repeatable by anyone.
So what about global warming? the greenhouse effect is one of the most solidly established scientific theories about our world. Greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide being the major gas, reside in our upper atmosphere. As sunlight enters the atmosphere it is absorbed by the earth then re-radtiated to space as long-wave radiation. Greenhouse gases partially trap long-wave radiation so that some of it stays in the atmosphere warming the Earth to an average 58 degrees. Without the Greenhouse Effect, this lovely little blue ocean planet we live on would be a ball of ice.
No one with any shred of credibility questions the existence of the Greenhouse Effect (though I'm sure there's an Intelligent Air theory brewing out there as we speak).
The global warming issue is thus. Since the beginning of the Industrial age, humans have been burning fossil fuels and conducting other activities that have increased the concentration of greenhouse gases, again primarily carbon dioxide, but also others such as methane. These constituent gases in the atmosphere are measured by scientists in a number of ways, both in current time and historically. Climate scientists have constructed a record of the atmosphere tracing back over 600,000 years. The record shows that humans are thickening the layer of greenhouse gases surrounding us. Enhanced greenhouse effect, warmer world.
While warmer sounds good on a day like today when we're freezing in 19 degree weather with snow and ice on the ground, the problem is that warmer means warmer than the Earth has been at any time humans have been roaming. It means a jump of temperature equivalent to the jump from the last Ice Age to today, but in a very rapid time frame (centuries instead of millennia). The rapidity of that change makes it very, very difficult to adjust, for humans and for the natural world.
These basics of global warming are as well-established as any scientific issue today. To arrive at these conclusions nations for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a body of thousands of the top scientists in the fields relevant to the atmosphere. These are the guys (and gals, of course) who are front line scientists exploring and experimenting global warming. Over a period of more than a decade, the IPCC sifted through all the relevent scientific studies, all the research and concluded in a 2001 report that global warming is occurring and that human activities are partly responsible.
A key concept to understand is the concept of peer-reviewed science. Scientific studies have to undergo peer review. That is, before being published, their work is vetted by a group of other scientists in the same field. They try to shoot holes in the work, pointing out flaws that the author then has to correct. The result is that published scientific research has to stand up to criticism of other experts. What survives is therefore, very robust scientific knowledge.
Keep in mind that there have been no peer-reviewed studies over the past 15 years that have challenged the basic tenets of the IPCC conclusions. Yes, there are authors like Michael Crichton who write fiction that claim it's all a conspiracy of environmentalists and Sean Penn types, and there are special interest-funded professional skeptics who try to sow confusion and create the illusion that there is some controversy over the science. But when it comes to scientists who study the problem, the people we depend on to help us understand the world we live in, there is no controversy. We have a big problem with global warming.
Acting on the complaints of a parent who thinks the world is 14,000 years old, while failing to understand the scientific theory of the greenhouse effect, and the scientific process of the IPCC, is a real tragedy of ignorance.
There is another aspect of this that is very bothersome to me, and carries negative implications for Federal Way. That's next.