No otters or beavers today - the topic is habitat preservation. Lynda Mapes reports on a remarkable preservation victory on the Olympic Peninsula where 7,000 acres of the Hoh River have been purchased, and set aside for permanent protection in a blockbuster $11 million project.
Sure, it's a ways away from the Hylebos, but this may be a site you visit one day; I know that I will. This is the type of project approach we take in preservation; finding ways to achieve conservation values while meeting other important community values. The Hoh deal will not only protect the landscape, but also preserves local community access.
As I write this, several preservation projects are underway in the Hylebos that will hopefully lead to win-win conservation victories in the future. Like the Hoh, most habitat acquisition projects take several years of discussion with landowners, developing partnerships and sewing together patches of funding.