I received the following fish report from a Lower Hylebos salmon watcher. Hopefully, the otters do not take too many of the salmon...and wonder whether that fin-less fish will be able to survive to get upstream to spawn. Ah, the drama of nature's ruby dance!
About 2:15, just past high tide, I saw a large school swim upstream under the bridge. I counted 53, but I know there were more. About 5 minutes later, about 35 swam downstream. In the next ten minutes I saw a group of 28 go upstream, 3 solo fish go upstream, and 2 solos swim downstream. (In between I saw a large river otter, lounging on its back, about 30 feet down from bridge. One of the larger salmon in the school of 28 had a bright pinkish-orange wound where the top of its tail should have been. Maybe otter got a bite?)