Down there in the Silly City, the debate over which ice treatment to use has hotted up. City officials say salt is bad for creeks and the Sound, so they use sand . Meanwhile, scientists say that sand is worse for the aquatic environment (while reporters report that another one of sand's side-effects is that it sucks at removing snow & ice)
What is used in the Hylebos? Federal Way uses sand, I believe; or possibly one of those sand/salt mixtures - which has worked pretty well in my neighborhood. I don't know about the rest of the cities in the watershed.
Now, the State DOT is getting all mad scientist on us and mixing up its own de-icing solution (no truth to the rumour that DOT employees call it Hammond's Home Brew for DOT Director Paula Hammond) for use In some parts of the state. Has this stuff been tested for its impact on the aquatic environment?
I do know that as far as impacts, we're talking about such an infrequent occurrence that I'm not terrifically concerned. There are far other larger issues to tackle...however, if local cities do any sort of sustainability assessment, this would be an area of operations to look at...
In Salmon News..
The Smithsonian Natural History Museum is featuring the Nisqually Tribe's efforts to restore Chinook salmon to the Nisqually Delta as part of its new Sant Ocean Hall.