Last month at this time April showers drenched much of the Hylebos wetland with flooding. The Red Alder trees and Big Leaf Maples were just breaking into bud. Hot pink Salmonberry flowers were present all along the Hylebos boardwalk. Skunk Cabbages were breaking ground, showing off the bright yellow lantern flowers. False Lily of the Valley began to carpet the forest floor with it's beautiful heart shaped leaves.
Black Twinberry berries are forming.
are lovely!
The salmon released in the creek last month by students are thriving in the wetland stream system.
Migratory songbirds and resident birds are nesting in the park. Red-breasted Sapsucker,Northern Flicker and other woodpeckers nest in tree cavities. Songs of the Western Tanager, Black-headed Grosbeak and Wilson's Warbler can heard along the boardwalk trail. Violet-green Swallows zoom over Marlake while Red-winged Blackbirds nest in the cattails. The tiny Bushtit weaves a eleborate basket nest of grasses, moss and lichens.
Spring is the most beautiful time of the year at West Hylebos park. Come take a walk on the boardwalk soon and see what wildlife you can find.
Happy Exploring!
Photo Credits:
Teri Lenfest and Adele Freeland